Anthony V.
Your products are great looking forward to a re order
Angel D.
This stuff actually works. I've noticed a big difference in my overall health, energy, and clarity. Has even regulated my digestion issues!
It works great ✍
Bud W.
Help me get up and start my day in the morning
Bertina W.
I have been using mushroom complex for a couple of weeks. So you will be hearing from me again. Too soon to tell.
Excellent service as always
Cliff B.
Just wanted to stay healthy and stay sharp and this is doing great Thank u
Shonta T.
Change in my skin
Miriam B.
I love the selection of mushrooms in this Mighty complex, I was specifically looking for turkey tail and this was one of the only ones I could find containing it without having to buy it separately. Easy to swallow, no taste or aftertaste that I’ve noticed.
Will L.
I have been taking 1 capsule every morning for a week. The 1st day I noticed less brain fog. Day 2 I noticed more energy. Day 3 I realized the morning muscle pain from an old leg injury had not hurt the past 3 days after taking the capsule. Definitely is helping with inflammation and stress!
Darren L.
A recent Japanese study with over 34 thousand men showed a 17% reduction in cancers in men using a supplement mix of mushrooms. This Mighty Mushroom supplement has those same species and a lot more. Seventeen percent is a very significant reduction! If a similar study had been done for women and breast, uterine, or cervical cancer it would be reported in every major news source. If you are over 55 years old and a man then you will either experience benign prostatic hypertrophy or metastatic prostate cancer. And urologists would love to stick a 12-inch needle up your keester to do a biopsy if your PSA blood work gets elevated. I will take my chances with the mushrooms.
Steven W.
I looked into mushrooms and I don't know much but what I found caused me to consider immediately for a staff infection i had which had developed into a major growth on my arm I say staff because that was my best guess using google to find like symptoms. It indicated I would need an antibiotic regime to kill it. I read up on mushrooms for their antibiotic properties - I liked to try homeopathic remedies before killing all the good bacteria in my system! Started taking these and within three days the growth seemed to be drying up and within a week it fell off. That is just anecdotal and could be a coincidence I Realize. But I have almost finished the bottle now and my sleep and energy have improved as well as my mood. I have had no side effects and have ordered another bottle. My wife is starting on them now too so time will tell and I will report findings for you all because I really love the comment sections for products so I want to contribute.
Mike R.
Me and mother felt it both off 1 single pill the first time. It has helped with energy and focus and seems to heighten senses. May sound weird but was listening to music for hours and was so into it. As for memory, I been taking it for a few weeks and have noticed "recalls" of old memories I thought I lost from years ago, I can only contribute this to its heightening of senses and feeling a bit more that it triggers old memories. I already reordered. I also was so pleased with this first experience of taking mushroom supplements that i got excited and ordered lions man from an expensive researched product line that lists the "good ingrediants" on label and I can say I like this one way better.
Chris S.
This stuff is truly magical. I have used other mushroom supplements that seemed just OK, but this has given me this indescribable edge. I work long hours, and I take it in the morning, and within an hour I am awake without any stimulants, my mind is super clear, and I feel super "on," for lack of a better word. I also used to have issues with anxiety, and this has knocked that out cold. I just feel confident, engaged, and present. I would use this stuff if it cost 4 times as much.
I love it! A must have
kierstan W.
I absolutely love them! Came quickly, I take with my sea moss every day and it really helps
Eva N.
I’ve been using the mushroom complex supplement for a while. It gives me more energy, noticeably boosts my immune system and my mood.
Ahmad A.
Quick delivery, clear description of ingredients and solid product. It provides you with energy throughout the day and it boots your immune system!!!